Box 10 vials * 10 ml
ForceNRG multivitamins is a food supplement of 1000 mg Royal Jelly enriched with vitamins,sweetened wih sucralose for deficiency states or as dietary supplement. Among the various advantages include: Royal Jelly which is a natyral restorative product produced by bees, Vitamin C which contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism,Niacin (vitamin B3) which contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue, Panthothenic acid (vitamin B5) which contributes to normal mental performance, Vitamin B6 which contributes to normal psychological function, Vitamin B1 which contributes to normal functioning of the heart and nervous system, Folic acid (vitamin B9) which helps to the normal function of the immune system, Biotin ( vitamin H ) which contributes to the maintenance of healthy skin and hair, Vitamin B12 which is necessary to maintain energy and vitality. We recommend 1 vial per day before breakfast.Take 3 boxes and stop 1 month. Shake before opening.
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